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Coronavirus - Practical Advice

13 May 2020

Our latest update covers further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme including information on the extension of the scheme...


Coronavirus - Agricultural Business

7 May 2020

We have included below some of the current announcements and measures that will be relevant to farming and rural businesses.


Coronavirus - Practical Advice

7 May 2020

Our latest update to the document covers guidance on Bounce Back Loans. Read more here...


Accounting Issues

6 May 2020

The Covid-19 global pandemic brings with it many accounting challenges and issues that may arise in the preparation of a Company’s latest ...


Company funding and Covid complications

4 May 2020

Listen to our company funding webinar covering equity funding reliefs in tech companies, the Future Fund and other share and share option issues. Watch now...


R&D Tax Relief

4 May 2020

Our latest webinar covers a refresher of UK R&D schemes, things to consider during COVID-19, consultation documents and Budget 2020 changes. Watch now...


PPE sales become VAT free

1 May 2020

HMRC announced yesterday a three month temporary zero rate relief for the sale of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) within the UK. ...


Managing your cashflow and forecasting

1 May 2020

It is important for any business, but especially during these unprecedented times, to understand the cashflow within the company...

Press Release

James Cowper Kreston’s Joint Managing Partners take the helm

1 May 2020

Further to the announcement on the 26 February, Alex Peal and Sue Staunton have today (1 May) taken up their roles as ...


Bounce Back Loans

28 April 2020

Yesterday the government announced further support for SME’s across the country with the introduction...


Coronavirus - Agricultural Business

23 April 2020

We have included below some of the current announcements and measures that will be relevant to farming...


Webinar - Corporation tax

23 April 2020

Corporation tax can be a significant cost to many businesses and, at a time when cashflow is tight, companies might be...

Webinar - R&D tax relief

22 April 2020

Listen to our latest webinar on R&D tax relief and how you could maximise the relief...


Coronavirus - Practical Advice

22 April 2020

Our latest update covers further guidance on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme including the details for claiming the grant.


Help for R&D and Start-up Companies

20 April 2020

Announced this morning was a £1.25bn Government scheme for business assistance in wake of the Covid-19 crisis.


Coronavirus - Tax Q&A

17 April 2020

Many businesses are facing financial hardship as a result of the current Coronavirus pandemic...


OECD commentary on cross border issues

17 April 2020

The OECD has officially recognised the problems caused by Covid-19 restrictions for cross-border workers...


Self-Employment Income Support Scheme

15 April 2020

In this fast-moving situation further clarification has emerged concerning the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme...

The content herein should not be relied upon as giving sufficient information or advice in any specific case.