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Olympic Torch Relay will bring £25 million Southern boost

11 July 2012

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The Olympic Torch Relay will bring a £25 million boost Southern England alone when it arrives in Oxford for its ten day tour from Monday 9th July, says accountants and business advisers James Cowper Kreston.

Mike Farwell, Business Services Partner at James Cowper Kreston, comments: “These predictions are really astounding and if you consider the number of torch relay related events that are taking place across the country and along the route, this is really going to bring a boost to the UK economy as a whole.”

James Cowper Kreston’s calculations have taken into account daily progress of the torch, overnight stops, the special events and activities at the torch relay stops and along the route it passes through, plus the additional spend by people traveling, for example buying meals, drinks, souvenirs and petrol etc.

Mike Farwell continues: “The figure could be even higher if you also take into account the feel good factor and the publicity which will be generated for each region. Looking specifically at counties in Southern England we estimate this will bring the following economic boosts to the counties and regions:

  • Hampshire £8 million
  • Berkshire £3.5 million
  • Dorset £3 million
  • Oxfordshire £3 million
  • West  Sussex £3 million
  • Buckinghamshire £3 million
  • Parts of Wiltshire and Surrey £1.5 million

Mike concludes: “There is certainly a lot of excitement in the individual cities, towns and villages which the relay will be passing through and my advice to businesses is to make the most of it as it will certainly give the local economy a lift. James Cowper Kreston staff will certainly be out waving their flags as it either stops or passes through the six towns and cities where our offices are located across the region.”

Mike Farwell, Partner, James Cowper Kreston LLP, Tel +44 (0)1635 35255 or email