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Direct sellers warned ‘pay now or expect a knock from the taxman

25 September 2012

Press Releases

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People who top up their household earnings or make a living through direct selling have once again moved to the top of the taxman’s targeted campaign list, warns accountants and business advisers James Cowper Kreston.

From tomorrow (26 September) HMRC will be renewing efforts to persuade direct sellers to come forward and declare unpaid tax after also targeting them at the beginning of the year. For anybody who continues to avoid the taxman follow up action from HMRC is now more likely and for some could include a knock at the door from criminal investigators.

Stephen Barratt, Private Client Director at James Cowper Kreston comments: “Anybody who has an income through taking commission on the sales they make from anything from ‘Pampered Chef’ parties, to selling through Avon or Betterware catalogues could be affected and needs to ensure their finances are in order.

“Direct sellers who believe they owe tax and have not already started to deal with it would be well-advised to act now and consult an accountant or tax adviser before making a declaration.”

HMRC has launched various campaigns to persuade people to put their tax affairs in order and they have so far yielded nearly £510 million from voluntary disclosures.

Stephen Barratt, Director, James Cowper Kreston LLP, Tel +44 (0)1635 35255 or email