by Sharon Bedford
3 January 2018
Taxby Sharon Bedford
Perhaps one of the most significant changes in international tax law occurred on 22nd December 2017 when US President, Donald Trump, fulfilled one of his campaign promises by signing the US ‘tax reform bill’. The new reforms intend to deliver tax cuts and create new jobs for the American populace.
Who does this help?
Estimated to cost £1.456 trillion over the next ten years the bill is expected to have both winners and losers. Those most likely to benefit will be businesses and their owners however the new reforms will also affect individual tax payers.
How will this affect corporations?
The new measures are numerous and complex, a brief overview has been included below:
How does this affect me?
The reforms do not only affect US groups but also have an impact on UK or European groups with US operations. The changes have the potential to radically change both tax-planning and international structures. Any UK groups with US operations should be analysing the changes to understand and model the potential impact on their businesses, this is where James Cowper Kreston can help. Our business advisory services, along with the skills of our award winning International Tax team will ensure that your business is prepared for any changes that may come.
For more information and advice please contact us via our enquiries page or on the details listed above.